Friday, April 07, 2006


Yesterday i lost one of the most important people in my life. Pattu was a person.. her mannerisms, expressions and eccentricities would leave you with no doubts at all. Highly individualistic- she knew what she wanted and when she wanted it. I have felt most rejected when Pattu refused to come to me when i called her. She probably remembered all the manhandling I did of her when she was a baby. She was there through every major life event .. a cousin's death, a niece's birth, board exams.. my sister's marriage. Not having her around after her constant presence for 12 years.... it's not going to be easy... my baby girl.. what'll i do? She lived a full life... full of love... children and her grandchildren... was looked up to and revered.. the other doggies knew she was not to be messed with.. except beanie... that tyrant bit Pattu.. :)
Everyone loved Pattu.. she was a part of the house.. so anyone who came home had to acknowledge her presence and authority.. and we wouldn't have it any other way. Pattu disliked small children for some reason... we figured it must have something to do with them being almost her height and therefore competiton :) Pattu had the most amazing eyes ever... so deep, loving and intense..
Basheer, our electrician, who apparently hated dogs... was another victim of Pattu's charms. She never bit anyone in her life... was intensely possessive of Mom... worshipped the ground she walked on and even till yesterday waited for her to come back home from college... she was waiting for Mom when i found her on the stairs and held her in my lap. She was just waiting for someone to hold her so she could sleep forever... peacefully... I'm glad I was there with you my baby... I wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else... love you Pattu

1 comment:

Taruna said...

i love you pattu.. always will